The Furniture of John Shearer, 1790-1820: 'A True North Britain' in the Southern Backcountry

The Furniture of John Shearer, 1790-1820: 'A True North Britain' in the Southern Backcountry

Books / Hardcover

BooksAntiques & CollectiblesFurniture



ISBN: 0759119546 / Publisher: AltaMira Press, January 2011

Price Starting at $48.05

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A full-color catalog and in-depth examination of the distinctive furniture made by pro-British carpenter and joiner John Shearer, one of the most accomplished furniture makers of the post-Revolutionary period. This publication is co-sponsored by the Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts at Old Salem, the Daughters of the American Revolution Museum, and the Museum of the Shenandoah Valley. Read More
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Collectible - Like New High Quality! With Dust Jacket

Lanham, MD: AltaMira Press, 2011. 4to. xix,219pp. Illus. Fine book. Fine dust jacket. Minor smudge on back board. Inquire if you need further information.


2 in Stock at Warehouse

New - New With Dust Jacket

Lanham, MD: AltaMira Press, 2011. 4to hardcover. xix+219pp. Index. Color photos. New book and dust jacket. Inquire if you need further information.


2 in Stock at Warehouse

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