Beyond Tradeoffs: Market Reform and Equitable Growth in Latin America

Beyond Tradeoffs: Market Reform and Equitable Growth in Latin America

Books / Paperback

BooksBusiness & EconomicsDevelopmentEconomic Development

BooksBusiness & EconomicsInternationalGeneral

ISBN: 0815709218 / Publisher: Brookings Institution Press, September 1998

Price Starting at $13.46

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"The essays in this book propose new ways of reducing inequality, not by growth-inhibiting transfers and regulations, but by enhancing efficiency--eliminating consumption subsidies for the wealthy, increasing the productivity of the poor, and shifting to a more labor-and-skill-demanding growth path ... [They] draw on discussions at a conference sponsored by the IDB and the MacArthur Foundation, titled "Inequality-Reducing Growth in Latin America," held in Washington, D.C. in January 1997"--Foreword. Read More
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Collectible - Good Signed

Signed Copy Collectible - Good. Signed/Inscribed by Graham on title page.


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