In England in 1995, fifteen-year-old Tamar, grief-stricken by the death of her grandfather, slowly begins to uncover the secrets of his life in the Dutch resistance and the climactic events that forever cast a shadow on his life and that of his family.
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"This beautifully structured and highly suspenseful story of the Dutch Resistance is positively Hitchcockian in its examination of the darker reaches of the human heart." – BooklistWhen her grandfather dies, Tamar inherits a box containing a series of clues and coded messages. Out of the past, another Tamar emerges, a man involved in the terrifying world of resistance fighters in Nazi-occupied Holland half a century before. His story is one of passionate love, jealousy, and tragedy set against the daily fear and casual horror of the Second World War – and unraveling it is about to transform Tamar’s life forever.
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