The Oxford English Dictionary, Volume 1-20, (20 Volume Set)

The Oxford English Dictionary, Volume 1-20, (20 Volume Set)

Books / Hardcover

BooksPhilosophyHistory & SurveysAncient & Classical

ISBN: 0198611862 / Publisher: Clarendon Press, March 1989

Price Starting at $1,530.21

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A major publishing event, the second edition of the Oxford English Dictionary is now in 20 volumes--the first comprehensive and up-to-date edition of the OED in one alphabetical sequence since the original edition of 1928. Key Features: * Integrates the material from the original OED and the Supplement into one alphabetical sequence * Includes over 5,000 new words and meanings * Completely redesigned and reset to enhance readability * Replaces James Murray's pronunciation system with the International Phonetic Alphabet * Treats over a half-million words, illustrating definitions with over 2.4 million quotations Read More
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Collectible - Very Good With Dust Jacket

Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991. Second edition. 20 volume set. Heavy 4to hardcovers in navy cloth, stamped front board, blue sprinkled edges and decorative endpapers. Books and dust jackets are Very Good to Near Fine. The front jacket flap of Volume 15 has a fold. A bright, clean and sound set. (dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books) Inquire if you need further information. NOT AVAILABLE FOR SHIPMENT OUTSIDE OF THE UNITED STATES.


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