Antique teddy bears and dolls often hit the headlines when they sell for record-breaking prices, yet...
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Antique teddy bears and dolls often hit the headlines when they sell for record-breaking prices, yet they can be surprisingly affordable. This book contains all the essential information a budding collector needs to buy antique dolls and teddy bears and is packed with advice to help authenticate, date and value a wide range of models, along with tips on restoring, caring for, displaying and insuring your collection.This invaluable guide includes chapters on all the main types of doll, from 17th-century wooden dolls to special edition vinyl Sindy and Barbie dolls from the 1980s, comprehensive coverage of teddy bears, tracing their development from the first teddy bears made by Steiff in Germany in the 1900s to the wide range of highly collectible bears produced today, plus an extensive section on soft toys; over 330 full-color photographs and illustrations of dolls and teddy bears that can be found readily in antiques shops, auction houses and even fairs; and a price guide for every item shown.
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