No More Snoring: A Proven Program for Conquering Snoring and Sleep Apnea
Books / Paperback
Books › Health & Fitness › Sleep
ISBN: 0471243752 / Publisher: Wiley, December 1998
Offers a step-by-step program for curing snoring, outlines current treatments, suggests lifestyle changes and home remedies, and weighs the costs, benefits, and risks of various surgical options
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Expert help for the millions of Americans who suffer from chronicsnoring. Drowsiness, irritability, and congestion. Memory and concentrationproblems. Decreased alertness and productivity. Increased risk ofhigh blood pressure, heart disease, migraines, and strokes. The ravages of snoring are all too familiar, yet easy toprevent. In No More Snoring, one of the world's leading snoring specialistsprovides you with a proven, step-by-step program to cure yoursnoring problem. This expert guide includes advice on: * The most common risk factors and what to do about them * The latest highly successful treatments developed at the renownedsleep disorders center at St. Michael's Hospital * Simple lifestyle changes, home remedies and treatments--includingthe "snore ball" and the CPAP machine--to try before consideringsurgery * The cost, benefits, risks, and suitability of various surgicaloptions, including laser, UPPP, and new outpatient radiofrequencysurgery.
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